Does bumblefoot cause no eating and diarrhea ?

Mrs Wick

Feb 18, 2019
I posted a thread about my hen which has lost tremendous weight as she doesn't drink and eat, and has liquid yellow poo.
She's so thin I wonder "will she be alive tomorrow morning" or "will she be back tonight".
Even so weak, she always stands still, never sits down, so I took a look at her feet
She seems to have bumblefoot.

My question : is bumblefoot the cause of her illness ? or a consequence ?
How bad are her feet?
If the infection is bad and she has had it a long time it can travel to her bones.
Going look for your other thread now.

In the future it would be best if you continued posting about the same bird in one thread.
We have a hen right now that has bumble-foot. She is very lethargic, but she eats if she can get to the feeder. She is really old, and it's freezing, so that could be part of it. We have a lot of chickens, so I can't tell which poop is hers, but she could be having diarrhea. LOL :lau
Since you mentioned she has worms...she hasn't been getting proper nutrition for who knows how long...the worms have been stealing it.

Can you see down her throat?
Are you willing to tube feed her for a while?

Can you treat the bumblefoot?

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