does early honking mean it's a girl?


May 9, 2015
My duckling is roughly 3 weeks old (I am assuming this based on photo comparisons online feathers are coming in slightly on tail and back and wings are balding a bit), the last few days duckie has started to make these small honking noises, still peeping a lot but there are some definite signs of duckhood arising. I read that males begin quacking around 7 to 8 weeks. Could these early noises mean that duckie is a girl? By the way I believe duckie might be of the Pekin breed.
My 5 ducklings r a bit younger and haven't heard them yet.
My 2 adults 1 male 1 female are very easy to tell apart. She is so loud and he is like a hoarse whisper. So if it holds true it should be a female from what I know and have heard.
Aweh your profile picture is adorable. Thank you for your wisdom, it doesn't matter to me boy or girl, but I have been calling duckie a she a lot it just naturally came out that way one day. I do hope your right though a girl would be nice I was hearing that the boys can get aggressive. And are your girls really super loud or tolerable?
Aweh your profile picture is adorable. Thank you for your wisdom, it doesn't matter to me boy or girl, but I have been calling duckie a she a lot it just naturally came out that way one day. I do hope your right though a girl would be nice I was hearing that the boys can get aggressive. And are your girls really super loud or tolerable?

Thanks. The pair I have is flighty. Only comes to us because we feed them. If you mean aggressive as in chasing away the chickens from its mate (from the batch we brooded with them) aggressive then I guess so but he can't even catch up with the chickens with his waddle. They are so funny to watch!! Hope it's a girl and you enjoy her.
Thanks. The pair I have is flighty. Only comes to us because we feed them. If you mean aggressive as in chasing away the chickens from its mate (from the batch we brooded with them) aggressive then I guess so but he can't even catch up with the chickens with his waddle. They are so funny to watch!! Hope it's a girl and you enjoy her.
we just have the one and right now she's indoors in an old playpen I try to hold her a lot and take her out gardening she does seem a little skittish at times but I'm hoping she picks up habits from the dogs and allows me to train her . Thank you I kinda hope girl too if not I'm gonna give poor duckie quite the complex I'm always calling her a princess and all those little girly things haha
Lol. Hope it goes well. Teach her some gardening (I've read they r bedded in gardens because they dig into them like chickens do). We have a large flock. All with their own personalities. We have some that want to be close to us and some that don't. I hope you got a social gal who learns and follows you around. I got ducks because of ppl I asked questions to on BYC and how great they were. (Also cos of slugs and chickens don't eat them. Haha)
She does follow us everywhere, but I have begun to notice that she follows my youngest daughter the most. And my youngest is 1 so I would get scared of her falling on duckie or somehow hurting her but she's actually very good for a 1 year old she doesn't try to touch or catch duckie and I think that's what she likes she wants to do as she pleases :) we are having a lot of fun with her. I hope you and your duckies are very happy together also
Lol. Hope it goes well. Teach her some gardening (I've read they r bedded in gardens because they dig into them like chickens do). We have a large flock. All with their own personalities. We have some that want to be close to us and some that don't. I hope you got a social gal who learns and follows you around. I got ducks because of ppl I asked questions to on BYC and how great they were. (Also cos of slugs and chickens don't eat them. Haha)

Here's a picture of duckie following her azalie

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