does my Polish need a haircut?


9 Years
Feb 1, 2010
I have a WCB Polish that is a little over 2mos old. Some health problems aside (getting over cocci), this chick seems to be...stupid
It walks around, chirping loudly, and then seems absolutely RELIEVED when I place it into a food or water container. I also have to place it with the other chicks to sleep. From my perspective, it seems to have an awful lot of "crest" - could it simply be unable to see food, water, or company? Do I need to give it a "haircut?"
Could still use some help here! I found the baby yesterday in the pen, sitting on the ground, with a head tic. It was HOT as anything yesterday, so I went ahead and brought it inside and treated with electrolyte water. Kept it inside overnight and it seems to have improved somewhat. I DON'T have a good track record with Polish - but I desperately want this little one to thrive. Ideas? Suggestions? Is it just not "right in the head?"
I have a Sultan and she is a bit "off" compared to my Wyandottes and Cochin. But she is so sweet to our new girl, a Sebright. She's always the last one out of the run to free range and is always the first one to roost at night.
Crested birds DO need a little help with their afros. Yours seems a bit young to need a trim, but if his vision is impaired due to excessive growth, perhaps a trip to the barber (you) is in order.
I trimmed my polish boy's head and he was a new man! he came to the coop at night-chased girls around and became an actual rooster and not a hermit!

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