Does your cockerel dance?


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Iron Station, NC
I've seen my OEG cockerel bantam dance this funny little dance...he'll drop his wings and shuffle his feet really fast. It's hilarious! I'm assuming it's a courting dance or something? I wish there was a video out there of a chicken doing this

Does anyone elses' chickens do this?
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ya my roo likes to do the elertric slide, aka the "crab walk" they do the dances to attract hens, or to act tough for dominance. I think the funniest thing he does is when i'll feed the chickens and he'll do little clucking sounds like he has something really great to eat, and when the chickens run over to see what he has, he'll pounce on one, and mate them lol sneaky little roo.............
I keep roosters in 8 breeds and they all do it. The game breeds tend to do it more often. They do it as both a mating/courting ritual and as a reminder of their dominance. I like when they sing at the same time, that's usually a sign it's the romantic version.

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