I was bored and got to thinking of this topic. I wonder how often a chicken-lover's favorite breed is their favorite due to the chicken's look representing something to them, or the chicken breed's basic personality matching the person's personality in some way.....
I'm planning on getting white silkies soon, and I was thinking about why those appeal to me so much. I like all chickens as long as they're friendly, but why am I drawn to silkies?
I went for them based on looks alone at first; then as I found out more about them, their tame, easygoing personality appealed to me too and just confirmed that I'd chosen a breed I'd enjoy. For me, the look of silkies reminds me of a pampered little posh fluffball fashionista, but since they are chickens they would also have the appeal of old-fashioned farm life. They are kinda like me - like Elly May Clampett - I live in town and I like to look all purty, but I'd rather just be out on the farm hanging out with all the critters. I'm also easy-going and gentle, and wouldn't get along as well with the independent, belligerent, or skittish type as with a tame, gentle little silkie.
Anybody else have any thoughts concerning why their favorite breed(s) is their favorite along these lines? Just curious....
I'm planning on getting white silkies soon, and I was thinking about why those appeal to me so much. I like all chickens as long as they're friendly, but why am I drawn to silkies?
I went for them based on looks alone at first; then as I found out more about them, their tame, easygoing personality appealed to me too and just confirmed that I'd chosen a breed I'd enjoy. For me, the look of silkies reminds me of a pampered little posh fluffball fashionista, but since they are chickens they would also have the appeal of old-fashioned farm life. They are kinda like me - like Elly May Clampett - I live in town and I like to look all purty, but I'd rather just be out on the farm hanging out with all the critters. I'm also easy-going and gentle, and wouldn't get along as well with the independent, belligerent, or skittish type as with a tame, gentle little silkie.
Anybody else have any thoughts concerning why their favorite breed(s) is their favorite along these lines? Just curious....