Dog and new chicks.


12 Years
Jul 11, 2007
North-West Florida
Our dog checking out the new chicks in town!
Very cute Cracker!!

Do any of your chicks have a small black spot on their heads? They look like a chick my daughter had to have from the farm store that was/is dyed pink. Except ours has a black spot on its head and I don't know what breed it is.
Charlie those look like RIR chicks. Your going for some big eggs. Love the pic. Dog is cute.
Yep, Julie is right on. Those are RIR. The local feed store was having 'Chick Days'! You got three free chicks with a 25# bag of feed. Any additionals were .99 each. DW was along and so it was an Easter present for her. We'll see how they get along with the banty breeds later on. Sure hope they are all pullets.

coloradochick, no dark spots on their heads.
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