dog attack cont


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 26, 2013
yesterday 4 month old rir attacked no apparent injury other then wouldnt walk and left leg seemed inflamed
gave aspirin several doses didnt eat or drink i have been helping her with syringe small amounts of liquids
today maybe 50 cc mixed with some electrolytes not interested in food started arnica at someones suggestion
Diarrhea has no begun stinking too. she has been in the house in crate for isolation and quite she is very alert happy to see me
since 4 pm has had roughly 6 liquid stools??? I am not liking this
Well for the watery stool see if she will eat some bread and it will soak up the liquids for the inflammation ibuprofen is pretty safe keep her calm and relaxed and let her leg heal try to keep her off it as much as possible is she still laying?

she is missing lot feathers under her neck whats left is just the shaft also feathers from her left wing she is able to hold wing up . this picture was yesterday about 1 hr after dog got her i will try bread ty
She can eat and drink she is not though ive been using pediatrics syringe to give her water and electrolytes

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