Dogs and Chickens?


11 Years
May 16, 2008
Estacada, OR
HI, don't have my chickies yet but was told by someone that dogs can't be near chicken poop because it will make them sick. I have read lots of posts about people here that free range and have dogs. I raise English Bulldogs and can't risk getting our dogs or pups ill. Any one have any ideas? Perhaps this was just an urban legend. I hope so.
Well I know it gives them bad breath

Mine get in it and we havent had any problems, you may want to make a compost pile of sorts and keep it fenced off from them.
Oh yeah. Dogs love stinky stuff.

Lots of small farms have dogs and cats and chickens and horses and cows all running around together without any apparent ill effects.
Thanks for the info. Since our bullies don't get to free range:D, I am not worried about much contact but was thinking I should double check. As long as there is no danger of bird flu like viruses or things like that. When our bullies see that the feathered friends get to be out running around they are going to say "No fair" how come they get to run around.

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