Doing 4h project on pigeons....


Never enough birds
10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
SW Ohio, Wilmington
ok, I decided to do my 4h project so I can teach my group and me(im new to pigeons).

So, what should I put in it?

I am going to find a chart with the breeds on it. I feed my chicken food, so is that ok to say. What else do you feed them? What are the demsions for a good cage? Basic questions like that.
Thanks, Justin
There are so many breeds that it is nearly impossible to list them all. Also, there is a slim chance of find a poster, or anything that lists the breeds, for that matter.

However, you can focus on some of the more common breeds. You will also want to focus on pigeons in general. Such as their care, how to breed them, and how to properly hold and show them.
Yea, I figured that out fast. My demo was yesterday and I thought it went well. I brought my modena and everyone thought it was cool. I did talk about care and eating habits.
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The NPA has a pigeon kit for youth groups. It is not great but it does have some good information in it. I found the best route was to use the ABA/APA youth project info as a guide and convert it to pigeons. Toejam, I have a couple extras if you would like one. Kim Bartz is the 4-H director for the NPA. Any regional director should be able to help you. The clifornia director is in so cal and is very helpful.

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