Dominique 1 week old chick - pullet or cockerel


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 4, 2010
I have a one week old Dominique chick who suddenly sprouted a feathery "tail" overnight. My BR chicks and my SS chicks did not. Could this be an indication that the Dom is actually a rooster? I know it's really early to tell... Maybe this is normal for the Dom chicks and they just mature faster than the BR chicks? Any ideas?
My Dominique, Tess, is the runt of our mixed bunch. They are about 3.5 weeks old and she barely, barely has any sprouts back there. And she's still fuzzier than the others too. Even compared to my GLW's, she doesn't even have what those two girls have.

Hmmmmm..... not that you want to hear this but...... perhaps you do have a roo. On the bright side, they are pretty though. But it's probably too early to tell. Let's hope for a growth spurt for your pullet.
I'll try to get some pics of her/him posted this weekend. We live in the city, so a roo is not an option.
I hope it is a growth spurt! I got the chicks from MPC (paid extra for pullets) and the Dom is my favorite chick so far.
My Dominique pullets all sprouted a "tail" over night! The only sure way to sex them that I can tell from is the Rooster will have yellow colored legs and the pullets will have darker almost smoke colored legs.

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