donate? LOL!


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Would anyone be willing to donate 3 fertile eggs to the silke broody cause? LOL!
I would be interested in wynadottes! My other hen hatched out 2 and the cat got to them!

Anyway just wondering, if not that is fine..I really need to bump her off her nest. silly silke!!
I do have some mixed roo is barnevelder moms 2 silver laced wyondette, NH red and barred rock. I can tell my BO, leghorn eggs from the others well, but would not be positive of the others. I'm in puyallup wa so not a long ship. The eggs would be free if you paid shipping....I've got used packing materials for just a couple of eggs, so just actual po which I think would be less than $5 for priority. No the minor catch I have not tried to hatch any my self, but would be willing to send up to 6.

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