Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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Start caring about your weight.
Obese is not healthy.

Grab some hand weights to start.


2nd Month

Day 1 Wednesday 9/8
Day 1 2V Arms weights

Day 2 1V Abs
Day 2 2V Heather H. Arm w/weights

Day 3 1V 3 min arms

Day 4 Abs 50+
Day 4 2V 4 min Arms w/Annie

Day 5 1V 6 min abs
Plus Day 2 2V

Day 6 1V abs w Bailey
Day 6 2V Arms w Annie 7 mins

Day 7
Day 7

Day 8 1V Abs
Day 8 2V shoulder burn w Annie

Day 9 1V Thigh burn

Day 10 V1 ab
Day 10 V2 shoulder burn w Annie

Saturday 9/18
Day 11 Heather Shoulder
Day 11 abs

Sunday 9/19
Day 12 1V 4 min abs

Monday 9/20
Day 13 1V 5 pound arms

Tuesday 9/21
Day 14 1st video
Day 14 arms 50+

Wednesday 9/22
Day 15 1V 4 min ab burn
Day 15 2V Arms with 3 ladies

Day 16 1V Standing ab cardio
Day 16 2V Arms

Day 17 1V stretch knees
Day17 2V tank top arms


Workout routines updated daily here:
Conan Pose How to Video hahahahah

Day 1 Arms
Day 2 Inner Thighs
Day 3 Abs
Day 4 Arms
Day 5 11 minutes
Day 6 Ab ideas
Day 7 Booty

Week 2
Day 8 Arms
Day 9 Abs
Day 10 10 minutes
Day 11 more abs
Day 12 yoga
Day 13 Abs
Day 14 Arms

Week 3
Day 15 Arm with weights
Day 16 Thighs
Day 17 and repeat of day 11
Day 18 pick any of the above.
Day 19 arms hard for me w/weights + day 11
Day 20 Yoga plus one from above
Day 21 Booty plus

Week 4
Day 22 7 min arms
Day 23 Inner thigh burn
Day 24 Abs plus another day

Day 26 1st video
Day 27 abs
Day 28 abs plus
Sunday stretch

Week 5
Day 29 abs
Day 30 Step it up
First post has all the video links.
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