Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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My neighbor sent me these pictures from his game camera. I'm not sure where this camera is set up, but he has permission to hunt on our property. He has a hunting property right next to us. I had chased off a coyote a couple months ago that was near my chickens. I have had one chicken and four guineas disappear. Now I'm wondering how many were due to this cat.
Oh dear. I know one of the guinea people, MixedFlockEnthusiast maybe? Anyway she's had some issues with bobcats snatching her guineas. So I wouldn't put it past them. Hopefully you don't lose anything else before he gets her (if that's what you're hoping for). I think total I've lost:

- 3 Bourbon Red Turkey hens
- 1 Khaki Campbell hen
- 2 Lilac Muscovy hens
- 1 Silver-laced/Recessive White Orpington rooster (my oldest)
- 5 Recessive White Orpington hens
- 12 Recessive White Orpington pullets
- 2 Recessive White Orpington cockerels
- 2 Gold-laced Orpington pullets
- 1 F2 Blue-silver-laced pullet (perfectly marked of course)
- 3-4 BBS Orpingtons

If I ever see her she's dead. I'll throttle her with my bare hands if I have to.
Oh dear. I know one of the guinea people, MixedFlockEnthusiast maybe? Anyway she's had some issues with bobcats snatching her guineas. So I wouldn't put it past them. Hopefully you don't lose anything else before he gets her (if that's what you're hoping for). I think total I've lost:

- 3 Bourbon Red Turkey hens
- 1 Khaki Campbell hen
- 2 Lilac Muscovy hens
- 1 Silver-laced/Recessive White Orpington rooster (my oldest)
- 5 Recessive White Orpington hens
- 12 Recessive White Orpington pullets
- 2 Recessive White Orpington cockerels
- 2 Gold-laced Orpington pullets
- 1 F2 Blue-silver-laced pullet (perfectly marked of course)
- 3-4 BBS Orpingtons

If I ever see her she's dead. I'll throttle her with my bare hands if I have to.
Man, that's a long list. What a bummer. 🥺
I will shoot her if I ever have the opportunity, I don't know that I would ever get the opportunity though unless I set up a bait station and a stake out.
The guineas stay out of the woods now. I lost four of them in the span of a week and I think they realized where it was happening.
I also ran a fence along the ravine behind my chicken coop yesterday to discourage the chickens from going down there. I figured the more I keep them out of the woods the more safe they'll be, at least from ground predators.

But y-ya'll it u-used to b-b-be THIS😭😭😭
Man, that's a long list. What a bummer. 🥺
I will shoot her if I ever have the opportunity, I don't know that I would ever get the opportunity though unless I set up a bait station and a stake out.
The guineas stay out of the woods now. I lost four of them in the span of a week and I think they realized where it was happening.
I also ran a fence along the ravine behind my chicken coop yesterday to discourage the chickens from going down there. I figured the more I keep them out of the woods the more safe they'll be, at least from ground predators.
I've only seen her pugmarks and the aftermath of one of her raids. I have yet to catch her in the act or managed to bait her out. I've sat up with a rifle behind the house in the dark multiple nights and I never see anything. I think if I try that again I'm going to set in the barn surrounded by the birds so maybe that will help mask my smell. And if I'm in the barn, the wind shouldn't carry my scent. It'll just be a surprise when she comes over the fence since I can't see her coming from that angle. lol I wish I could find someone willing to try trapping her, but I've not had any luck.

I always try to keep everything cleaned up. The yard stays as short as I can get it. Trees are trimmed so there's nowhere to hide and I keep limbs and brush piles picked up/burned. Last year during the start of COVID when I was working from home I started clearing the fenceline around the property. I've got the left side and the majority of the back done. We have some wicked trees with spines that wear me out. And doing it with no power tools makes me feel like a caveman. But it's nice to see the progress. The back pasture needs to be mowed and graded so I can keep it short next year during the growing season. It's just always too wet or too dry to do anything out there. I wish it was fenced so I could put something on it to graze it down.

And of course I've been clearing the neighbor's land that is vacant and unloved. I've been burning brush piles and mowing where I can.
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