Drake mating with younger ducks


Dec 31, 2017
West Monroe, Louisiana
I have these young female ducks(born in november) that my drake keeps mating with. I kept trying to keep him from doing that but my females don't seem to mind and he's not hurting them. They've never laid eggs. So my questions are, does mating cause them to start laying early? Or does it not affect it? Thanks
My Runners blew my mind when they started mating at 4 month old. I had only had Muscovy before and they are usually 8-10 months before sexually active. Then they started laying at 4.5 months of age laid continually for about 18months and have taken a very long break now. Other than they never quit mating. Just haven't laid any eggs since last fall.
Smh. I swear! Lol! All they're doing is teaching sex ed to my kids. How do I explain that sex doesn't always mean babies?!
Ducks are very sexual during mating season so it's Drake on Hen, Hen on Hen and A 3 Duck sandwich so I guess you will be teaching the Kids that information...Best wishes..

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