Dressing hen injury


10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
Bay City, Michigan
One of my Auracanas has a bloody spot on her back just before her tail feathers. Its about the size of a half-dollar.. All of them have lost a lot of feathers this winter. The roos are to blame. But this one really looks injured. She is active and doesn't seem to be concerned but I want to dress the wound. How to I get her to let me do it? I will be doing this alone. Any tips will be appreciated.
Get some blu-kote from the feed store. It's an antiseptic and the color it stains the skin hides the red so the others aren't as likely to keep pecking at her. I find it easiest to treak at night while they're on the roost and sleepy. Just take her off the roost and tuck her head back under her wing, she should stay pretty calm for you at that point.
Blu-Kote is the best, and as said above will curb more pecking since the wound won't be bright red anymore. But I have used regular Neo several times in a pinch.

I try to get them when they're roosting at dusk. Even the freakiest chicken is usually pretty chilled out around this time. And judging by the location of the wound I would sort of hold her facing backwards with one arm with her head tucked under my arm and her bootie up in the air. My girls actually like being held this way, I think it makes them feel secure.
Thank you everyone. I'm going to have to go with the neo. TSC is the only feed store in my area, and I just happened to look for Blue-Cote there last week. No luck. Its really strange, but our local TSC seem to carry any and everything you might need for a horse, but no so much for chickens.

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