Dropping pans. Make or buy?


9 Years
Aug 11, 2010
Added some quail pens along the coop with inside access. Trying to figure out a dropping pan system. What is everybody using? Made or bought ? Searched the forums and didn't find much.
i am thinking u mean dropping as in poop and not a thing to catch eggs on a slant floor cage.?. if so, i love to cut some rubbermaid containers down or get some tin flashing at the hardware store, a pair of tin snips, and a rivet gun, u can make the same pans that BASS sells! I actually buy the shallow rubbermaid pan first then build the cage to fit it as a dropping pan.
Don't have my chickens yet, but have been reading and reading and learning so when I get them in the spring, I'll be ready! When you are talking about droppings pans, do you put them under the roosts and wash them out every day?
The poo pan is under the roost, where the chickens spend most of their time while in the coop. We have pine shavings in the pan, which does not require daily cleaning. Ours get cleaned a few times a week. Good luck...

I use plastic boot trays, and I do clean them out every morning. I just take the trays over to the composter, dump and scrape the contents out, and hose down the trays. Takes me all of three minutes.

That's a great idea. Not sure where you get boot trays from? I think I'll have to re-do my roost though. I have four 2x4's stepped up and attached to a sort of rack that I can fold up against the wall while I'm cleaning. When it's down it takes up a lot of room in the coop and I think it's too low from what I've seen of everyone elses. The bottom roost is only about 18 inches off the floor and the others each get higher by a few inches. My builder read a book on chicken coops before he started and based the roost on their recommendation, but my nest boxes are higher and from what I'm reading, they will prefer to nest in them instead. I'll rearrange the roost and then look for some kind of dropping pan. Thanks for the advice!

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