dry den stall pellets


8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
Yakima, WA
hello i was wondering if anyone has used dry den stall pellets in there coop. my local feed store is currently using it in all the brooders for the chicks. just wondering if this could be an alternative to dusty shavings and sand.
Probably, though never heard of it. stallDri is commonly used along with other litter for odor control, etc. The dustiness I think is mostly from the chickens themselves, their shed dander, along with dried poop dust. Of course, many litters will be a little dusty.
I use the eqine pine and woody pet pellets all the time. They are a bit dusty if you dont keep them wet down but they absorb moisture and odor way better than shavings.I just put the pellets down and then lightly mist them, they expand and absorb wetness and odor. I have heard some people woory that the chicks will eat the fine stuff but have never had this prob in the 4/5 yrs I have used it.

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