Dry hatching in a brinsea maxi ii advance


14 Years
Oct 13, 2008
Hey guys,

I just wanted to share a quick word on humidity in the brinsea maxi II advance.

Don't automatically assume you can just follow the general "manufacturer instructions" about using the water reservoirs to achieve proper humidity!

If you've spent $300 or $400 on an incubator, buying a decent $15 hygrometer (i used the one from incubator warehouse) is pocket change well spent. before you are going to set eggs, stick the hygrom inside, turn your bator on and run it without water till it stabilizes, then with water till it stabilizes--then you'll actually know! we ran the last hatch completely dry until lockdown after measuring empty bator at around 47% with vent fully open (room humidity has been around 75% to 85%, temps 70 to 85 fahrenheit) and if anything judging by aircell growth it was still a bit moist.

In short: establish your baselines with the diferent water reservoirs BEFORE adding eggs, go with whatever gets you closer to optimal, and then candle as you go to check your air cells for reassurance. Don't simply rely on the "general instructions" which the manual vaguely describes as "simple... and often effective."

this bator is just awesome at holding temp and being easy to use--but you are on your own when it comes to figuring out humidity. Fortunately, with humidity, "close" is normally good enough! :)

hope this helps someone...

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