Duck colour help. US, AU, UK and German help needed :P


Jun 12, 2018
I'm trying to understand the English terms for certain colours in UK, USA and AUstralia, because I keep getting confused.

this is what I have now;

(fat is official colour in that country, but I made one misstake in de Dutch column I see now)
I still have a lot of questions;

- On the German website Braun (brown) and chocolate are two different colours (but no pics of chocolate unfortuantely). Is chocolate a lighter overall brown colour then overall brown?
- what is khaki?
- what is bali white? (also found on DE website)
- what is rehfarbig? The fawn & white (not american one) is apparently rehfarbig. Which colour is that? Since fawn in german is erbgelb? Confusing.

- What is cinnamon?
- What is harlequin?

- What is welsh harlequin?
- What is lavender?
- What is abecot ranger?

All countries;
When is one silver. Is there one kind of silver in that country with the name 'silver'? Since I also found an UK website with chocolate-silver, tortoise-silver? So confuzzled.
In some pictures harlequin looks like this correct?

Saxony = apricot trout? In what English languages?

Are there duskies, that have an own name? Or does it allways end with dusky. And what is Dusky in German. I'm feeling I'm having a big struggle ahead with dusky/light phased still..

Some websites;
AU: (but no pictures)
NL: with question; are these two ducks the same colour? What is the name of the duck below?
NL; with question; What colour is this? In english? Is it in german rehfarbig?

Thank you.
Khaki is a lighter brown. I have only heard it to describe Campbell ducks which come in two color varieties, khaki and dark, the khakis are Light brown in appearance and the darks are dark brown in appearance but I believe they are different genetically been chocolate which is also brown in appearance.

I am in USA
So silver is black with 2 copies of blue allel

I thought that was lavender/bleekblauw/vuilwit :O
Then what is 'splash'?
Oh no, your link also mentions lilac.. haha!
Hmm. I guess my drake is lilac; but there is not a Dutch word for it.. I have been calling him silver due to lack of words. But this changes the outcome of my ducklings majorly. Luckely in a good way.

Very informative article.
I think I am going to redo my schedule; add an extra collumn that starts with the genes; and thén from that go on with the names. I'm pretty sure we call harlequins silver over here, or atleast some people do, and it all gets way to confusing if I don't start with the genes.

I read somewhere that the gold phase Welsh Harlequins are the standard in the UK and the silver phase are the standard in the US. I think as far as show quality, the standards are also different for each area. I don't know if that's 100% true or not.
Gold phase Welsh Harlequins are also considered dusky when it comes to genes. Whiles Silvers are not. As for what’s standard I guess that depends on who you talk to or read from.
Okay, it doesn't get easier.
On this website E/E, d/d, (d/-) 'chocolate' has the following picture;

Me, and some people here and in germany call this chocolate (middle duck);

What are the genes of this female duck? And what is it called in USA?

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