Duck, eye discharge?

Does this appear to be an issue? Found his eye like this in the morning.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Let me put it to you this way.. It all started with a watery eye in waterfowl and a visit to the vet.. all though it was the individuals call to the proper authorities that spurred rapid response, both the lab and the vet would have been required by law to report certain disease results.

That being said I'm not a fear monger or conspiracy theorist. I'm not even sure sharing that story is helpful.

Consider your location and if AI has been found there. Viruses are not treatable with anti biotics. Sometimes supporting the immune system through vitamin supplementation is beneficial.

It appears as though the poultry industry is more effected than waterfowl. So while it's not ideal ever to have a leaking eye, I suspect and hope your pretty duck will continue to thrive! Also hopefully you will get more feedback than just mine. :fl
Welcome to BYC, @Ripecelery!

One of my pekin hens has recently (this month) started having a very small amount of foam some days, I think it's just this time of year that's causing it. I don't really think it's anything but I'm still being vigilant.

Some of my ducks in the past have had some foam or slight discharge around their eyes (it really only seems to be one duck that has it at a time) around this time of year I think it may just be like allergies or something although with any kind of odd or abnormal behaviour or discharge and so on, it's good to make note of it and check to make sure it's nothing serious.

Is there any other things that are off about your duck?
How often do you clean their water bows/containers pond things?

From the picture it doesn't look like his eye is irritated (red or inflamed .etc)
Do both his eyes have discharge and how much?
Does he act like his eye is bothering him?
What kind of bedding do you use?
How long has this been going on and has it happened before?

I don't really know much about most duck and chicken illnesses and the like so please take anything I say with a grain of salt, as I'm not very experienced.

I hope it's nothing serious your duck has going on, good luck.
@New duck mommy 2021

(Edited to fix grammar)
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Looks like he just got something in his eye. Some ducks, I find are not as great as bathing and cleaning their eyes and nares. I would put him in water if he is one of those culprits. Clean his eye with saline a couple times a day and that will help clean out whatever is in there. I like to use a syringe, just make sure you don't blast the eye, just gently rinse it. It definitely looks irritated. If it gets worse you can treat it with an antibiotic, terramycin. However, I would not treat at this point. It doesn't look infected, just irritated. The saline will help prevent infection as well.

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