duck project wood turned garden wood.. maybe back to duck project wood


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
Bought wood a while ago to build a nicer version of a covered feeder for the girls. It sat while we contemplated different ideas.
Then I decided I wanted to work on raised planters before time to plant veggies arrives soon. So we turned that wood into raised beds today (along with more wood that we picked up last night)

Ducks still benefit... veggies!
And I looked at the completed box and thought... make it a little bit higher and add a roof and door and I have a bigger duck house. DH said "kind of big for them, isn't it?" I said not if I added 2 more ducks LOL


not if I added 2 more ducks LOL


They DO look a bit high for raised beds...If you took one layer off one, and added to the other, you'd have 1 raised bed, and one new duck house! How's that for having your cake and eating it too

They DO look a bit high for raised beds...If you took one layer off one, and added to the other, you'd have 1 raised bed, and one new duck house! How's that for having your cake and eating it too

That math works for me!!
I picked up wood for 4 more this afternoon and a bit extra LOL

Told the ducks to poop in their bedding all they want - their bedding compost (which is mostly just pine straw) will be going on the bottom to fill up the boxes. And since I don't have a large enough duck bedding compost pile, I'll just be adding random pine straw and leaves from around the yard to do the bottom compost layer.

They DO look a bit high for raised beds...If you took one layer off one, and added to the other, you'd have 1 raised bed, and one new duck house! How's that for having your cake and eating it too

That math works for me!!

So, not only is there chicken math, but there's Duck math?!? Yippee!

5 Rouens + 4 Orpingtons + 3 Swedes + 4 Welsh Harlequins + 12 Project specimens = 7 ducks in the barn right now. Room for more!
That math works for me!!

So, not only is there chicken math, but there's Duck math?!? Yippee!

5 Rouens + 4 Orpingtons + 3 Swedes + 4 Welsh Harlequins + 12 Project specimens = 7 ducks in the barn right now. Room for more!

No, you did it wrong. That only adds up to three.
Well, the garden boxes are done. Next step is to lay down cardboard on the bottoms and then start loading with duck mulch. They are just sitting there for now in the close to where they go spot, so guess I need to get them where they belong and situated first.

Then convince DH to build the bigger duck house - seems I'm always trying to do that...




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