Duckling nursery daycare - new baby pics


10 Years
Jan 11, 2010
Just snaped these photos as I was leaving for work this morning. I hate to be away from them...But at least I know...That the ever present Ostrich will be there to watch over them and keep them company until I get home.

Nap Time'

Story time

play time...Nogging is playing hide and seek.
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aweeeee such sweet pics ducky!! too bad you are stuck at work
maybe if you start yelling random things they will think you are going insane and let you go home? lol

ducky daycare is sooo cute
I just drove home on my lunch break to check on them all...I guess I am kind of over protective...maybe I should set up a web cam or something so i can check up on them throughout the day....

No need for me to worry..they were all fine-
ohhh what a good idea!!! you are waay smarter than me lol but my idea would give people laughs
HAHAHAHAHA if you put regie in there will she be mean to them
Thanks Happyflower... I love the colour of these guys. At least now my work day is just about done..... nearly home time - and I can go and take over from the Ostrich toy- and spend some quality cuddling time with my little ones..
LOL, I love the ostrich! I need about 10 of those! They are so cute and snuggly on that towel, seriously spoiled!
I changed them over to shavings last night...And so - Ostrich is now peering over the side of the brooder as I find that shavings and stuffed toys dont always make a good mix. Its actually a very good toy to use as I can hang it up- and the ducklings like to stand under the legs- like they would stand under the mother duck. Wonderul babies- They didnt wake me up at all during the night.

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