Ducklings Showed Up?


Aug 11, 2020
I'm just going to get straight to the point: two ducklings were following my neighbors on a walk and they asked us for help (we have chickens). They called animal control but until then I need to take care of them. I set two dishes of water and a dish of my chickens' layer feed for now. We have sav-a-chick probiotic and electrolyte. Should I give them some of that? We are keeping them separate from the hens (because of risk of disease) but they are in my hens' free-range area. I only have had chickens so I have no idea what ducks need. @Isaac 0 @RosemaryDuck @EverythingDucks @Corbdee or any other duck experts what should I do to take care of them? Should I have them in a brooder with a heat lamp and should I have water available to swim in? Are they okay eating layer feed? Anything else I need to know? (sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure they are okay!)

Thank you!

ETA: one is younger than the other.
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I'm just going to get straight to the point: two ducklings were following my neighbors on a walk and they asked us for help (we have chickens). They called animal control but until then I need to take care of them. I set two dishes of water and a dish of my chickens' layer feed for now. We have sav-a-chick probiotic and electrolyte. Should I give them some of that? We are keeping them separate from the hens (because of risk of disease) but they are in my hens' free-range area. I only have had chickens so I have no idea what ducks need. @Isaac 0 @RosemaryDuck @EverythingDucks @Corbdee or any other duck experts what should I do to take care of them? Should I have them in a brooder with a heat lamp and should I have water available to swim in? Are they okay eating layer feed? Anything else I need to know? (sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure they are okay!)

I will add pictures soon.

Thank you!
How old are they? If they still have down, and not proper feathers, I would get them into warmth asap. Electrolytes and probiotics never hurt. If they are still very young, do not give them deep water. They cannot repel water at that age and can drown/become water logged and get cold very fast. Thank you for saving these little guys. I hope everything goes well for you! ❤️

Layer feed is okay in a pinch, but get them on proper duckling food asap. The calcium in layer feed can make them sick if fed long term.
How old are they? If they still have down, and not proper feathers, I would get them into warmth asap. Electrolytes and probiotics never hurt. If they are still very young, do not give them deep water. They cannot repel water at that age and can drown/become water logged and get cold very fast. Thank you for saving these little guys. I hope everything goes well for you! ❤️

Layer feed is okay in a pinch, but get them on proper duckling food asap. The calcium in layer feed can make them sick if fed long term.
I'm not sure how old. They both have down, one is just barely growing in feathers and the other seems a couple of days old. We have a pie pan for their water. Thank you!
Thank you!
I agree with @RosemaryDuck. Are they outside 24/7? They are still young so they need warmth. Proper duckling feed is important for them.
We brought them inside the garage inside a kiddy pool (with newspaper inside, not water). We set up a chick heat lamp and there are shady spots. We will try to get duckling food tomorrow, but for now, we have layer feed with a bit of water inside of it (to make it kind of a mush). Thank you for your help!
We brought them inside the garage inside a kiddy pool (with newspaper inside, not water). We set up a chick heat lamp and there are shady spots. We will try to get duckling food tomorrow, but for now, we have layer feed with a bit of water inside of it (to make it kind of a mush). Thank you for your help!
Great! Sounds like a good set up you got!
Great job saving them!
My first though, what is animal control going to do with them? Put them in a shelter? Ducks don't do well in shelters, I personally think they will be much happier/have a better chance at life and life in general, if they stay with you, but not everyone has that option.

It sounds like you have a great setup! My only additional suggestion, don't use Newspaper. It gets slippery, and doesn't absorb moisture, leaving pee and poop sitting on top. Paper towels are better, but pine shavings or straw are ideal IMO. Great job!
Great job saving them!
My first though, what is animal control going to do with them? Put them in a shelter? Ducks don't do well in shelters, I personally think they will be much happier/have a better chance at life and life in general, if they stay with you, but not everyone has that option.

It sounds like you have a great setup! My only additional suggestion, don't use Newspaper. It gets slippery, and doesn't absorb moisture, leaving pee and poop sitting on top. Paper towels are better, but pine shavings or straw are ideal IMO. Great job!
We added some shavings. My neighbor once had ducklings (and a mom) in their backyard and when they called animal control, they brought them to the local duck pond. The problem is they look like domestic ducks so they might not survive there... Thank you

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