Ducklings won’t fall asleep...please help me stay sane!


Jun 6, 2020
I purchased two little khaki Campbell ducklings, 1-2 weeks old. They are lovely and when laying on top of me dozed off quickly. However, they are in their homemade brooder with the light, water, straw, etc and they won’t fall asleep! I can hear them chirping away and splashing around, but unfortunately it is 2 am now. I thought maybe it was too hot, so I raised the light and shaded it slightly. They quieted down at first, but now are still chirping and moving. Is this just normal and I’m being over sensitive? It seems like a lot of ruckus for 2 am!
Hello, and welcome to BackYard Chickens! So glad you joined! :frow

However odd it may seem to us humans, ducklings actually are awake throughout most of the day/night, this is especially true when a heat lamp is being used. Ducklings will only take short naps.
Hello, and welcome to BackYard Chickens! So glad you joined! :frow

However odd it may seem to us humans, ducklings actually are awake throughout most of the day/night, this is especially true when a heat lamp is being used. Ducklings will only take short naps.
And I thought puppies were hard 😶
Hello, and welcome to BackYard Chickens! So glad you joined! :frow

However odd it may seem to us humans, ducklings actually are awake throughout most of the day/night, this is especially true when a heat lamp is being used. Ducklings will only take short naps.
Thank you very much for the welcome! I am so excited to care for these little girls, my family has several but these are the first that I’m taking on my own :D

Okay, I guess that does make sense! I was a little worried perhaps they were uncomfortable, or the light was bothering them, and I didn’t want to just put them in another room and ignore it in case it’s something I can fix.

thanks so much for the help! :)
Thank you very much for the welcome! I am so excited to care for these little girls, my family has several but these are the first that I’m taking on my own :D

Okay, I guess that does make sense! I was a little worried perhaps they were uncomfortable, or the light was bothering them, and I didn’t want to just put them in another room and ignore it in case it’s something I can fix.

thanks so much for the help! :)

What kind of light bulb are you using?
What type of light are you using red light is suppose to help calm them? Where do you have them? Maybe move them into another room? what is the temperature in the their brooder?

I don’t have a red light or any special equipment unfortunately, only a basic brooding light! They are in my bedroom as the family cats is shut out from here. I didn’t want to just move them in case it was a problem that needed helping-their little chirps worried me that they were getting baked under the lamp! The temp is around 27C, I believe that’s about 80F. :)
What kind of light bulb are you using?
It is a prorep basking bulb-I only have the one in the little set up! I showed it to the man who breeds them and he said it should be fine for just the two. I am wondering if maybe their box is too small? It is about a square foot
You are right about the box being too small. It's way too small. Can you get some kind of a kiddie pool to put them in? Here is my set up for babies and mine are 8 days old and have already outgrown everything from the feeders, waterers to the pool!

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