Ducks and chicken attacked

I had carefully gotten the gunk ‘off’ of her eye mostly using Q-tips. Since it was a mucus like liquid I could soak it up with them. I would’ve run water but she wasn’t reacting well to water on her face or neck, as well I was worried I might make make her panic. She was very calm while I carefully cleaned it and I’ve been keeping an eye on it. Just trying to check on swelling and make sure nothing gets hard on her eyes. I only did it how I did since it was the softest thing she would allow me to remove it without crying
Also- my duck is able to eat! She’s also gotten better at understanding when I have a bowl of water for her. Once she realizes it’s there she’ll go to town drinking it. She’s doing good, it’s the main issue of not being able to see.

so all injured animals are eating and drinking and all doing better than the first day

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