Ducks and chickens under a broody hen?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 12, 2012
NW Minnesota
Can I put both duck and chicken eggs under the same broody hen? I have a Buff Orpington hen that's gone broody and I'd like her to hatch out some babies. We have 2 Silver Appleyard hens and a drake and we have 8 chicken hens of various breeds with a Welsummer rooster. Can I put a couple duck eggs under the broody and then a week later a few chicken eggs? (staggering the setting time so they should all hatch at the same time).
Has anyone done this before? Does it work?
you can hatch them both like you have planned
there are some issues after they hatch you should be prepared to handle The ducks should be taken away from the hen after hatching & don't provide water for the ducklings to swim in, just drinking water. Ducks hatched under a Chicken are not waterproofed like they are hatched under a duck hen. They get their waterproofing from the duck hen until they are able to do it themselves. Baby ducks also make a huge mess in a brooder. They take a bill full of food & mush it up in the water & stuff runs all over. You can help keep things clean by putting them on wire where it is off the floor of the brooder with a pan under it to catch the mess they make. You will have to dump & wash out the pan ---- a lot because it begins to smell pretty fast,
I agree with Bill, last year I had a broody hen and I put ready to hatch duck eggs under her and she hatched them out just fine. wanted to be a mom so bad didn't care that they were ducks.
Thanks for the replies. I'm quite familiar with ducklings' mess, oof da! I've purchased day olds every spring for the last three years. Last year we finally figured out the best brooder is a stock tank in the garage.
But, this is our first year hatching any of our own. All of our birds are a year old this spring and these will be their first babies.
It looks like one of our duck hens is feeling broody now too... I'm tempted to put eggs under her too just to see what her mothering abilities are like.

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