Ducks are bullied by my young cockerels!


Jan 18, 2016
So I need some advice. I have a male and female Rouen that are just reaching maturity. We got them along with some buff orphington chicks at the same time. (That is the first and last time I ever get straight run). We ended up with 5 young roos. All were fine together until the roos started to reach maturity. Now they are harassing my ducks and constantly mounting both the male and female Rouens! We plan to cull the extra roosters in the fall, but do any of you have any advice on how to deal with this until then. I am a little worried for the female and she is the one most sought after by both the male duck and roosters!
You need to separate them,and defiantly decide who your gonna keep outta the five,also,get them some hens...

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