ducks bullying chihuahuas

Mini Moe

6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
How do i get my ducks/ducklings (almost 7 wk old Pekins) to stop bullying my Chihuahuas while we are in the backyard together?
I'm sure there's many ways to get them to stop, but try hosing a strong jet of water at the ducks everytime they get near the chihuahuas, don't know if it'll work but its worth a shot!
I use a long piece of bamboo a piece of pvc or walking stick would work too, when My ducks and especially the geese start to go after the dogs[ mini dachshunds an mix breed] I put the pole between them to stop the birds. It has worked every time. you just have to always be there to catch it each time.
I use a long piece of bamboo a piece of pvc or walking stick would work too, when My ducks and especially the geese start to go after the dogs[ mini dachshunds an mix breed] I put the pole between them to stop the birds. It has worked every time. you just have to always be there to catch it each time.
When my goslings do naughty things, I get between them and the dog and hiss at them. I try to use their natural behavior as much as possible. How would a mama duck get them to stop that behavior? I also try to establish that I am the alpha and not them.

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