Ducks for sale! Please Read!


11 Years
May 4, 2009
North Carolina
Hi! I have A pair of mixed ducks for sale. The drake had its wing broken and I wrapped it all up but it never healed right. The wing hangs down and sometimes touches the ground but it doesn't bother him. (The picture is before it happened.) The duck seems like she wants to go broody but I've never seen a broody duck so I'm not sure. They are $10 each but I would much rather them go together. They like to stay with each other. They duck is an amazing layer! She lays an egg almost every day! Every once and a while she takes a short little break but nothing extremely long or anything. Every one of her eggs has been fertile so far. They are a great pair! Thanks for looking!

The drake

The duck
Not really, but you can pick them up and pet them and they are usually fine. But they definitely dont come up to you. But I think if you spent time they could change that.

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