Due around 3/26? **non-intervention success story pg 9**


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
Brea, California
I have 20 eggs in the bator - silkies, dominiques, EE's and NHR's. This is my second hatch, and I'm loving it! Would like to find others expecting around the same time. If there's another thread already, please direct me to it! Thanks!
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I have 9 cuckcoo marans and 8 of my own mix due on the 24th.
Ochickens I think hatched our last batch kind of close together, didn't we?
Good luck to everyone on your hatches!
I am doing some shipped eggs this time around. I've had to cull more eggs this time.
Which kind of a bummer! But I had a couple of infertiles of my own eggs which was a surprise too.
But I do have a couple girls that have become experts at avoiding the rooster so I think I got a couple of their eggs.
Hows your hatch coming along?
Have you candled any of your eggs?
I'm using very fresh local eggs this time, and I've removed 4 clears so far & have maybe a few other quitters that I'm watching. So far they look good! I haven't candled as much this time -- I'm surprised how well my last hatch fared considering the amount they were handled as I tried to figure all that out. I candled everyone 4 days ago & will prob. do it again in 1-2 days -- trying to hold out a little longer. I'm using auto turners this time too.

Thanks for asking!

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