Duramycin 10 Dosing Errors in Durvet Catalog


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
The catalog shows this:

First error - 1/2 tablespoon does not equal 1 ounce
Second error - 1 tablespoon does not equal 2 ounces
Third error - The 800 mg dose is 1.5 tablespoons per gallon, *not* 1 tablespoon. and this is why:

  • Package weighs 181 grams and has 10 grams tetracycline.
  • 10 ÷ 181 = 0.055, which means it's 5.5% tetracycline, 94.5% filler
  • One gram = 55mg
  • One tablespoon weighs about 10 grams which = 550 mg
  • 800 ÷ 550 = 1.45 tablespoons
The 800 mg dose for one gallon = 1.5 tablespoons (825mg is close enough)

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