dying chicks?


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
I was looking at pictures of those colorful chicks...and I am wondering, is it cruel??

I hear they inject something into the egg? doesn't this have bad side effects??

anyway, just curious..

any of you ever buy any??

also...do ppl dye there adult hens with kool-aid
hahaha I'm just asking cause I know some do with there dogs and horses..hahaha
Email Ideal and ask them. They are the biggest hatchery that sells them.
Meyers won't sell them.

My understanding is it is a dye/hydrogen peroxide combo.
I don't think they inject it into the egg they just spray the birds,
including their eyes, after hatching.

The reality is most of those chicks won't make it because they
will freeze to death or get thrown away. Most are cornish x
roosters with no value at all, except to us chicken lovers.
People buy them because they are cute.

When your post said "dying chicks" you were right on more than one way.
You can eat CornishXRooster I think they are white leghorn roosters becuase The Leghorns are production layers and the males are small and not usful for meat. That is why when I start realy farming I am getting some dual purpouse birds.
They actually do inject the eggs with dye as the chicks are developing.

I thought they dyed them with a spray on type, but nope...

If you search the archives on this topic, there is a link in another thread that has info on how it's done.
The FFA(which I in no way support what-so ever) injected food dye into some white leghorn eggs, they hatched green and brown, not sure how they did it, but they hatched and grew just fine. I guess the dye wore off at about 3 weeks of age. They named them "green eggs" and "ham"

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