Easter Egger’s first egg!

Oooo, she's beautiful. And so posh--her egg matches her feather coloring! Congratulations on her first egg.

We have 1 of 3 EEs left to begin laying. Her earlobes are redder than her green-laying flockmates. Even though that's not so much of a predictor with EEs, I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if she'll come out with an egg like yours instead of blue or green.
Update: her second egg. Looks like a blueish cast when outside, but inside more a pinky gray.



Compared to my other eggs. And I thought my Pearl Star Leghorn has light eggs! Next after PSL is Plymouth Blue Rock with chalky light brown eggs. Then Isa brown with terra cotta brown. Then Mystic Marans with speckled brown eggs.

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