Easter Egger’s first egg!

Are you sure it was from an EE?
They don't always lay blue/green :(
Nice egg and chicken but Easter Eggers are not a true breed. They have one thing in common : they do lay greenish eggs.
conclusion : this is not an easter egger but a mix breed related to easter eggers.
Update: her second egg. Looks like a blueish cast when outside, but inside more a pinky gray.

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View attachment 2392549
Compared to my other eggs. And I thought my Pearl Star Leghorn has light eggs! Next after PSL is Plymouth Blue Rock with chalky light brown eggs. Then Isa brown with terra cotta brown. Then Mystic Marans with speckled brown eggs.

you have a nice assortment of eggs like me!!!!
I have 2 9 week old midnight majesty Marans I can’t wait to see their eggs!

Nice egg and chicken but Easter Eggers are not a true breed. They have one thing in common : they do lay greenish eggs.
conclusion : this is not an easter egger but a mix breed related to easter eggers.
Yes, I know EE are not 'true breed', but a cross.
No, not all EE lay green/blue.
The fact that this bird has muffs tells you that one of it's parents has Ameraucana in it's
genetic background.
Easter Eggers can produce different color of eggs...blue, greens, browns, pinks, whites.
Nice egg and chicken but Easter Eggers are not a true breed. They have one thing in common : they do lay greenish eggs.
conclusion : this is not an easter egger but a mix breed related to easter eggers.
From what I have read, I believe EEs can also lay pink or blue eggs. Yes, they are not a true breed, which is probably why they can lay different colours. The ones that lay green eggs are often called Olive Eggers.
I don’t see a reason to be concerned about the color of this egg. It’s a very pretty pink/light brown! They don’t always lay blue or green, they lay pink or light brown to. It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s just the shell color her body chose to make. She is in fact an Easter Egger with 0 doubts and 0 concerns. If anyone doesn’t believe that, look at the photo (she’s a stunning baby) and look up what color eggs EEs can lay :D
Update: her second egg. Looks like a blueish cast when outside, but inside more a pinky gray.

View attachment 2392548
View attachment 2392549
Compared to my other eggs. And I thought my Pearl Star Leghorn has light eggs! Next after PSL is Plymouth Blue Rock with chalky light brown eggs. Then Isa brown with terra cotta brown. Then Mystic Marans with speckled brown eggs.
That's so pretty. Bloomtastic! So maybe the first speckles were her bloom warming up? I think this happened with one of our Langshans. In the beginning, she alternated laying eggs like your Mystic Marans one day and completely pink other days. I posted about it if you want to see pics: https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...shans-show-me-your-eggs.1395153/post-23120355

This thread's moving in many directions--I'm just here for EE egg pics :)

<Edit because I wasn't clear about how much our first Langshan alternated colors when she first started laying. It was brown speckled/pink/brown speckled/pink for a month before settling on pink.>

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