I have seen so many different colors as far as the E.E.'S shell color. Is there any one preferred over the others or desired? Mine so far are a pale blue or pale green. I would love to have some of the olive colors and more darker blue, but not everyone is laying yet. I am saving the biggest ones for hatching in hopes of having large egg layer out of those. (also saving the really big brown eggs to hatch out as well) Is any color more preferred or desired? All of my roos are e.e., I have several types of hens. One turken lays a pinkish egg, but she has green legs, maybe e.e. mixed. I cant wait to see what hatches out and what they lay.
Do the eggs get darker the longer they lay? Stay the same?
Any opinions? (not that I needed to ask THAT, lol)
Do the eggs get darker the longer they lay? Stay the same?
Any opinions? (not that I needed to ask THAT, lol)