EASTER EGGER...First egg Sept.11...Nothing since. ????


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 25, 2009
Our EE laid her first egg Sept. 11 at the age of 22 weeks. About 2 days later she was not feeling well. She acted very lothargic and just wanted to be by herself. She was fine the next day and has been ever since. I thought she may have picked up something that did not agree with her but she has not laid an egg ever since. Any thoughts?
All my EEs are so finicky. One goes broody every other month and then takes two weeks to start laying again. I need to sneak Cyanne pepper in her food and treats to kick start her laying. Is she molting?
I have three EE pullets that I bought in March or April. I was so excited to start getting pastel blue eggs in September. I think we got a total of five colored eggs in about a week then nothing. I'm quite sure they aren't laying somewhere else. I have two EE roosters and a 4 Autstralorps and four Bantam hens. I let the Bantums hatch out some of the Aus/EE chicks. Now I'm not sure if I want to continue with the EE hens and mixed breed chicks if they are finicky layers. :/
I'm disappointed they aren't laying better at this point.
I agree. It's so disappointing when you they go on hiatus when all you look forward to are their adorable colored eggs.
I'm not sure. I assume its not getting dark where you live yet? They need a certain amount of light hours to lay.
I have three EE pullets that I bought in March or April. I was so excited to start getting pastel blue eggs in September. I think we got a total of five colored eggs in about a week then nothing. I'm quite sure they aren't laying somewhere else. I have two EE roosters and a 4 Autstralorps and four Bantam hens. I let the Bantums hatch out some of the Aus/EE chicks. Now I'm not sure if I want to continue with the EE hens and mixed breed chicks if they are finicky layers.

I'm disappointed they aren't laying better at this point.
My EEs and my Red Sex Links are my most reliable layers. Isn't that funny how different they all can be? I had an EE who laid almost daily and then she had an accident. But even the day before she died she gave us a nice sized blue egg. I have one EE now that has stopped laying, but she's broody as all get out and we are expecting a shipment of hatching eggs to slip under her any day. Other than that, there are blue eggs out there every single day.
This is my first EE, now I'm not even sure that it was her that laid the egg. I got her and a Buff Orpington on April 9th. I was reading some posts about the Buffs the other day...it said that they will sometimes lay eggs white in color. She laid her first egg on Sept 9th. Tan color with white spots...2 days later got an off-white colored egg that I assumed came from the EE. The Buff has been consistently laying tan colored eggs and has only missed about 4 days since Sept. 9th. This is my first year with the Buff & EE. Always had White Leghorns and RIR. Not sure what to expect with the new girls.

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