May 29, 2020 #1 T Treaster In the Brooder May 29, 2020 5 4 21 This Easter egger is almost 8 weeks old. I not sure whether it is a she or he. It's mother has a comb like this chicks, but what about the red wings? It acts like a hen, thus far anyway.
This Easter egger is almost 8 weeks old. I not sure whether it is a she or he. It's mother has a comb like this chicks, but what about the red wings? It acts like a hen, thus far anyway.
May 29, 2020 #2 sourland Broody Magician Premium Feather Member 15 Years May 3, 2009 161,123 642,268 2,287 New Jersey It's a cockerel.
May 29, 2020 Thread starter #4 T Treaster In the Brooder May 29, 2020 5 4 21 Wolfefarmyard said: x2 Click to expand... Oh, well! Thanks.