Easter Egger molt.


5 Years
Apr 26, 2014
My Easter Egger layed her last egg on Aug 19th. She is finished with her molt. When will she start laying again? It's mid January.
Since hens need at least 14 hours of daylight to stimulate the hormones that dictate egg laying, she will probably not lay again till spring, which is normal.
Good to know! My other 2 haven't slowed down much at all. I'm giving them lots of worms and greens along with their laying pellets.
I thought maybe it was a nutritional deficiency. She looks good though.
When they are done growing in feathers, they have to get their body weight back up before they can start laying again. Molting takes a lot out of them, be patient. Give her extra protein scraps. Her comb will turn bright red again (from pale and shriveled) and then she'll start laying again. It will likely be soon, not spring.
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My EE went into Molt in October and was done by the first of December, around Solstice I got my first egg of the year but she only is laying around 3x a week, I don't expect her to pick up until there is more light...She is 1.5 -2 years old, My 2nd EE quit a few weeks after her and hasn't begun laying again yet, they are hatch mates of the same age.

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