Easter Eggers stopped laying at 8 mos old


11 Years
Feb 28, 2013
My two Easter Eggers started laying around 4 mos old and stopped laying this passed November, when they were about 8 mos old. Neither have laid an egg since. While many of my active layers slowed down this winter, most have picked up again in the past month, laying at least 3 or 4 times a week - typical for GLWs. The other half of my flock are geriatrics, so they don't lay at all. I was hoping to get a few more eggs a week from these two young hens. I don't have any other blue-egg layers, so I know they aren't laying.

I have more hens that don't lay than do. Am I running a charity at this point?
Mine only recently started back up. EE can be all over the place as far as production. Some can take long breaks, others are better. Yours should start up in the next month or so. Feeding a higher protein ration can help optimize egg production.
I have the same problem!! 17 hens, 10 of which are layers. For the past 2 weeks, my only (2) blue-egg layers (Ameracaunas) have stopped production! They are active, eat well, have space, no changes, healthy. Just NO EGGS. What gives?
I have the same problem!! 17 hens, 10 of which are layers. For the past 2 weeks, my only (2) blue-egg layers (Ameracaunas) have stopped production! They are active, eat well, have space, no changes, healthy. Just NO EGGS. What gives?
They take breaks. The green and blue coloring on their eggs can be physically taxing to produce as it's composed of a component of their blood, bilirubin. They need a good optimized diet to continue to produce those pretty eggs, but cannot sustain production constantly.

Easter eggers are still considered a mixed breed so production is all over the place with them. In my experiences they lay pretty decent their first season than they start to become more sporadic the second season and beyond. Mine have always laid in spurts, taking breaks in between even for months. If egg production is important for you than choose a breed bred for production.
My EEs still do not lay an eggs. Both now have large bellies - Ascites? I've seen both sitting on the nests in just the last few days but no blue eggs ever get laid. Both are just over a year old now. From the same batch. They both eat and drink normally, walk and run and the roo mates with both. Internal laying?
My EEs still do not lay an eggs. Both now have large bellies - Ascites? I've seen both sitting on the nests in just the last few days but no blue eggs ever get laid. Both are just over a year old now. From the same batch. They both eat and drink normally, walk and run and the roo mates with both. Internal laying?
Have you felt them? Where does it feel heavy?
My EEs still do not lay an eggs. Both now have large bellies - Ascites? I've seen both sitting on the nests in just the last few days but no blue eggs ever get laid. Both are just over a year old now. From the same batch. They both eat and drink normally, walk and run and the roo mates with both. Internal laying?
Ascites (water belly)is a squishy swelling and can be caused by several different issues, disease/organ failure.
Internal laying is usually a hard swollen belly.

Maybe they dont lay blue or green eggs, I have an EE that lays brown eggs.
I believe they previously laid blue eggs.
Maybe they dont lay blue or green eggs, I have an EE that lays brown eggs.
Both my EEs laid blue eggs last fall. I have two other EEs now that joined my flock this winter and they both lay distinctly dark green eggs.

If I could catch either of them, I'd feel their bellies. I'll post when I manage the task!

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