*Easter Special* / 12 eggs for $10 plus shipping / shipped from SC

Dipsy Doodle Doo

13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Aiken, South Carolina 29801
My Coop
My Coop
12 eggs for $10.00 plus shipping.

~Barred Rock

Blue, splash and black hens with a black roo.

~Naked Neck Silkie Frizzle crosses
These are from blue and black dark-skinned naked neck hens (Naked Neck x Silkie crosses)
with a blue/red frizzled naked neck roo (Naked Neck x Silkie x frizz Cochin).

Price is $10.00 per dozen plus 'actual shipping'.
I'll need your zip code to plug into usps postcalc to get a total.

I'll take orders at this *special price* thru 4/01 and ship as eggs are available.

You can see pics on 'my page'.

Post here, email ([email protected]), or PM.

Thanks and Happy Easter!
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Yes, but I think I'll go with the dozen. The problem is I have to coordinate it with my swap. Will you send them Monday, hopefully my swap partner will too. Can you do 1/2 nns and half americaunas?
I would like to get 6 americauna and 6 nn frizzle shipped sometime next week to 28278. I need to coordinate date with 2 other shipments

Hi Angela,
You must be pretty close --- shipping for 6 NN and 6 Am' eggs to 28278 will be $5.05 for a total of $15.05.
PayPal is [email protected].
Let me know what day you want them shipped so I can get it on the calender

Got the PP, Patti, thanks!

Happy Easter!
wow I should jump at that but I already have 46 coming from Lisa. LOL!
Lisa please tell me if I owe you anything else for the eggs!

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