Eating Fertile Eggs


11 Years
May 7, 2008
This may be a stupid question but I am asking it anyway. When my parents last had a few straight-run chickens they ate the eggs as they gathered them, not sitting and hatching. My daughter buys her eggs from a neighbor that has straignt-run. I have it in my head that I need to get rid of my rooster before the pullets start to lay. Do I? We can eat fresh fertile eggs can't we. I have really over-thought this issue and need to hear some other opinions. What are some thoughts? I have 5 BO pulllets and one rooster, with nine babies arriving this week. Any help is appreciated.
YES you can most defintely eat them, We do every day !!! Home Grown eggs are the best. I bake and decorate cakes in my home and everyone brags on how good they are , It is the eggs !!!!
We eat fertile eggs every day too and I t hink they taste better and have more vitamins too I believe. I read that someplace
When my bator is full or I am not hatching at the time we eat the fertile eggs. Some grocery stores even sale fertile eggs cause some people think they are so much better for them.
I beg to differ about there not being a taste difference in fertile vs non fertile eggs. Feritle eggs are richer tasting and are by far better IMO. They are also a very deep orange color when cooked compared to store bought eggs.
The egg man at our local farmer's market sells fertile eggs. His chickens and roosters are all free-range. If you refrigerate the eggs they don't develop into chicks.
Any free range egg will be tastier and more colourful than a store bought battery egg; it has nothing to do with fertility.
The dark orange color is because of greens in the diet.
Fresh eggs are darker & taste waaaayy better than store bought eggs, no difference if they are fertile or not.

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