econmical breed? Appenzeller?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
2 questions
I am looking to add to flock!

1) What is a economical chicken (good feed to egg ratio) & not flighty!

2) I like the look of the Silver Spangled Appenzeller but, I have read they don't do well in confinement. Was wondering if anyone has experience with temperament & confining?
Well I have Spitzhaubens!

They are pretty good economical eater like the Hamburgs. And they are not normally flighty like Leghorns.

As for confinements, I never had to confine them in cages but the chicks seems to be fine in them. As adults, they did fine in a 4 x7 coop with 8 x 30 foot run.

All my Spitzs are calm like my Welsummers and they are great. I think it has alot to do with the upbringing. They seems to adapt well in small quarters like mine.

So I know I got happy hens!
I had some Spitz a few year ago, I did find the flighty. I had to cover the 6 ft fence to keep the confined to a 10x20 foot run. I only kept them for around 6 months so I can't help with the feed to egg ratio.

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