Edited - Does this look like Cocci? (warning poo pics)


11 Years
Aug 29, 2012
If my new chicken has cocci symptoms on day 3 does that mean it came with it or is it possible it may have picked it up from our property?

Im just wondering if I should notify the breeder.

We got them 3 days ago, noticed red poop on day two.

Have edited in photo below as well as current symptoms.

Ive just been all over town trying to buy cocci medication now unsure If I should use it after viewing the photos in the link flockwatcher gave below.
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Hmm it's most like the second last in the normal ones. Very red and stringy.
The chook is very quiet and sitting down all the time though, even going so far as to eat while sitting at the edge if the dish.

They did all have diareah when I got them.
or not, trying agaim

Its not quite as bright red as thse photo looks.

Other symptoms
Eating & drinking

Able to walk and looks normal when walking but sitting instead. Even sitting while eating.

Has had diareah since we got them on Saturday which has gradually got worse till was very very runny yesterday but appears to have gone back to normal looking consistency today. We have changed their diet from Layer pellets and lettuce at breeders to grower crumble and grass in pen.

Chicken in question is 11-12 weeks old.

Ive currently got her inside in an old birdcage with a heat lamp at one end as its a colder than normal day here and raining.

Could it possibly just be the bird trying to get over the diareah?
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