EE color sexable?

I've seen this posted a lot lately too, but such a vague statement is not entirely true. I think what those posters are referring to is that young EEs with red patches coming in on the wing/back/shoulder area are almost certainly cockerels. This is often seen on the black and white patterned hatchery EEs in particular. Absence of red does not guarantee pullets, however.
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I have a silver and red EEer and when I first asked if he could be a roo- people told me most likely no because he is silver- but if he was a roo he would be beautiful one!!!

Well here is my fella at 15 weeks!


So, as true as the theory may be, there are exceptions to all rules!
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If you make your own EEs they can be color sexable. I made sex-links with a cuckoo marans hen and lavender ameraucana roo. I also use wheaten-based birds alot, which grow to be different colors. I can sex them at about 2-3 weeks.
As a general rule, the plain brownish ones are hens and the more colorful, splashier ones are roosters. Red on the wing/shoulder is a sign of a roo. A blondish/gold that gets lighter toward the tail is a hen. Check out the ee braggers thread, when you look at enough pics after a while you get an eye for it. I have to say, the black and white ones are still hard for me

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