EE Sex?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2018
I think I have a pullet but I’m new to chickens so hoped someone more experienced can give an opinion. 8-9 weeks of age. The pointy look of the hackles get me but the feathers are rounded on up close inspection.
I never relied on it. Someone on BYC said that how they sex their Easter Eggers.

:oops: Guilty :rolleyes: So far it's worked for me in the past but haven't had any in a few years. They were chicks I raised for my friend that went back to her at 8wks. Kept a few early on (fun birds) but haven't had any since I realized Orpingtons are my :love
:oops: Guilty :rolleyes: So far it's worked for me in the past but haven't had any in a few years. They were chicks I raised for my friend that went back to her at 8wks. Kept a few early on (fun birds) but haven't had any since I realized Orpingtons are my :love
Very interesting! :) I wonder why it hasn't been successful in my time raising EEs? :confused:


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