UGH! Great subject line for this! THIS is why I live in Wisconsin!
I sure can't help ya out but I do feel bad for you! Good luck with that and hope someone can help you out soon!
I'd help ya out, but the plane tickets r way too expensive. Evryone calls for me to put the spiders out, but black widows are a bit tougher. A REALLY big paper cup, and piece of flat cardboard ought to hold a few of them... sorry. Not helpful, but maybe a tea-tree mist would drive them out?
OK, take a fly swatter to them. Clean up their webs every day or so. If they don't have webs, they go hungry.

Their egg sacks look like little silk balls. Don't try to squash them, that usually doesn't work. Light a match to the egg sack, that always works.

If the chickens can get to them, they are gonners.

Good luck,

Chickens love them. Spiders are the easiest bug to kill, any fly or bug spray will do them in. You can also try beach, soap and water, still kill some of them. I have been biten a number of times with no ill effects. Last Feb. when bit, I had to make a trip to the ER. That one got me good, had to take some pills for 21 days and still have a hole in my arm.
Do you not have spiders in Wisconsin?

Oh we do have spiders in WI but she is talking black widows! We do NOT have those here and we don't have spiders in the winter
At least none that are coming out to say hello
Oh we do have spiders in WI but she is talking black widows! We do NOT have those here and we don't have spiders in the winter
At least none that are coming out to say hello

Can I come live with you then
.....I live in WI too, and I just had smushed the largest nastiest spider I have seen last night....The nasty thing was trying to get into the house...
If they stay outside I am fine. It's the icky ones I find in the house(or making there way into the house) that don't stand a chance.
I have seen the chickens go crazy over a spider here and there though. It is a site....

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