EE's Hens or Roosters?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 1, 2010
I don't know if I will ever get EE's again. They sure are beautiful but I cannot tell what I have. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a brown one, grey one and white one. They are right at 10 weeks old. A couple of egg-mates were a lot bigger, and had big squishy combs and began crowing so I re-homed them. These ones are starting to make me nervous because their combs are also becoming larger and "squishy" looking. No wattles on any yet and no crowing. Also the tails on these seem a little longish and starting to curl on the ends. What do you think? Are these girls or boys? The Australorp rooster I have picks on all 3 unmercifully, especially the bigger brownish one, so I really wonder if they are all males.





You've got some really pretty birds there. I'm in the same boat. I'm just waiting for mine to start crowing or laying. They don't scream roo to me, they look just like the six I have. Mine are around 13 wks old and I couldn't tell you what I have either. I love that they are a grab bag where their color is concerned. If you can hang on another month you'll have your answer. BTW, I have a roo and a cockerel. The roo leaves the cockerel alone, but he has his favorite pullet that he chases around, pulling out her feathers. She can get up on the perches to get away from him. Those birds just may be your roos favorites...
I'll keep my fingers crossed. The brownish one is the heavier of the 3 and it's legs are thicker. The only thing that keeps me hanging on is the fact that they have very little red on their faces and their neck feathers look rounder, not real pointed like the definite roosters I already re-homed.
I'm going to re-home that Australorp roo. He is downright mean! Snuck up on me and pecked my hand so hard he drew blood. Everyone told me Australorps are such NICE, FRIENDLY birds. They should meet Angus! I may rename him to while I'm at it (Stew). LOL
Chickens are funny aren`t they? Such diverse personalities. Sorry Stew is a grump. My little Australorp roo is a darling and all his hatchmate are living up to the BA reputation. Then two hatches later I have the nastiest little BA pullet...I think she will become Stewetta.
I am having the same problem gender identifying one of my 9 week old EE`s. Right from the start s/he looked like a little cockerel with a big red comb and now has developed no further cockerel characteristics and behaves more like a pullet. I am confused and trying to wait patiently until and if s/he starts to crow!
We could start a thread...C.S.I. EE (chicken sex identification)
I think your silver is a girl, one of my girls looked JUST like that. I really love that brown coloured one, super neat looking.

I have EE's and I was sure I had them all sexed properly, and now at four months I am questioning a few I thought were roosters. Seriously- not an easy breed to sex!!

Yep your Australorp roo needs to go. If that nice brown and dark EE is a rooster, you should keep him! So cool looking.
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By going on color/patterning alone - The grey one is definitely a pullet - the brown one is probably a roo, but not 100% sure (90% sure
). Don't know on the white one - both males and females can be solid white. Better comb pics would help.
Here are some comb shots of these 3. I honestly think the browny one is a male, silver/gray pullet and white pullet.
Let me know what you think. Thanks for all the input "peeps".



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Oh and yeah. I think the brown one is cool looking to. I have never seen any chicken this color. He is a super sweet bird to. Easy to catch, no bullying and no sneaking up on ya'.
We will likely hang onto him. I am so hooked on these chicks now that I might get into the whole incubating routine. If I go missing, my husband did it. LOL
The Australorp has a new home! Thank goodness....

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