I thought I understood candling, but my first set of eggs in an incubator has already stumped me.
All the eggs have, to my knowledge, been incubating seven to nine days.. Some I switched out from under a broody to give her some shipped (expensive!) eggs, and some I collected and added to the incubator that same day. (The broody had been sitting two full days; I switched out the eggs early on the third day.)
Today is the seventh day in the incubator, so the oldest (pre-brooded) eggs should be on their day 9, and the non-pre-brooded eggs should be on their day 7.
Most of the eggs candle either clear or with some veining. Only one is white-shelled, and the rest are green/blue or brown. I'm unsure if I just can't see well enough to distinguish veining in the apparently clear ones, so they're staying in the incubator. Of the ones with veining, some also have a small dot (embryo?) and some of those are obviously moving, from a gentle pulse to one that is pea-sized and moving a lot.
One egg had an obvious blood ring, and I took it out.
And one egg is stumping me. It candles mostly dark, as in opaque, with an air cell that isn't obviously larger than the other air cells. I don't know if rotten eggs candle this way, or if it's unaccountably much further along. Can anyone help me?
Many thanks!
All the eggs have, to my knowledge, been incubating seven to nine days.. Some I switched out from under a broody to give her some shipped (expensive!) eggs, and some I collected and added to the incubator that same day. (The broody had been sitting two full days; I switched out the eggs early on the third day.)
Today is the seventh day in the incubator, so the oldest (pre-brooded) eggs should be on their day 9, and the non-pre-brooded eggs should be on their day 7.
Most of the eggs candle either clear or with some veining. Only one is white-shelled, and the rest are green/blue or brown. I'm unsure if I just can't see well enough to distinguish veining in the apparently clear ones, so they're staying in the incubator. Of the ones with veining, some also have a small dot (embryo?) and some of those are obviously moving, from a gentle pulse to one that is pea-sized and moving a lot.
One egg had an obvious blood ring, and I took it out.
And one egg is stumping me. It candles mostly dark, as in opaque, with an air cell that isn't obviously larger than the other air cells. I don't know if rotten eggs candle this way, or if it's unaccountably much further along. Can anyone help me?
Many thanks!
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