Egg contents orange soup - what could cause this?

HorseFeatherz NV

Eggink Chickens
10 Years
May 12, 2009
Sierra Foothills of Reno, NV
Today I opened all my unhatched eggs.

First I opened my shipped eggs – 13 eggs set total with 4 hatched. Six of the eggs had contents that were a soupy orange color – no horrible order – just soup. Two eggs were the horrible thick green of rotten eggs. One was developed to about 10 days – filled just less than half the egg.

Then I opened the egg from my girls that did not hatch. Chick filled the egg, but yolk was not absorbed.

What causes the “orange soup” in the egg? Could those eggs been scrambled during shipping? I did not candle the eggs before setting – not knowing what to look for – this was my first set of shipped eggs. I did let 11 of them sit for 24 hours before putting them under the broody hen. Two others I let sit a bit longer before incubating and then putting under a broody for the last week (one of these was the partial chick – one nasty green).
The orange substance is probably the yolk. I have never got shipped eggs, but when I open all my unhatched eggs, there is always the horrible orange soup. It may have been scrambling or it may just be what normally happens.
The yolk either got scrambled or it was starting to break down from sitting in the incubator. If it's the latter then it would go rotten soon. You rarely break an egg that's been in the bator for more than a week and get a solid fully formed yolk. They start to come apart.
All the ones I cracked open had that. It was like the yolk just fell apart when I cracked them open. Some were clear and the others were early quitters. I am guessing it is normal.

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