Can ship out Saturday , March 15 ~or~ Monday, March 17th.
You have your choice of the following ::
10 standard eggs
10 banty eggs
10 (some of each) standard and banty eggs
Will ship atleast 10 eggs, will try to send extras.
The bantys have just started laying again after winter break. I put 10 of their eggs in my bator on the 8th and candled today all are fertile and showing veins
My flock consists of the following :::
**Standard Hens~ Buff Orps, Australorps, Chanteclers, Blue & Black Cochins, BLRWyandottes, GLWyandotte, Lt Brahma, EE's
**St Roo's~ Black Cochin, Blue Lace Red Wyandotte, Blue Orpington
** Banty Roo's ~ Silkies, Birchen Cochin, Salmon Faverolle, self blue D'Uccle
**Banty Hens~ Silkies (buff, blue, partridge, black,splash) , Salmon Faverolle, Black and Blue Cochin, Silver Laced Cochin, Partridge Cochin X, Millie Game hen & self blue D'Uccles
You may get purebred or mixed eggs as my flock is not separated at this time. Cost is $20.00 which includes shipping priority mail.
Please PM me if interested and for paypal info.
some of my chicks hatched in January ::
You have your choice of the following ::
10 standard eggs
10 banty eggs
10 (some of each) standard and banty eggs
Will ship atleast 10 eggs, will try to send extras.
The bantys have just started laying again after winter break. I put 10 of their eggs in my bator on the 8th and candled today all are fertile and showing veins
My flock consists of the following :::
**Standard Hens~ Buff Orps, Australorps, Chanteclers, Blue & Black Cochins, BLRWyandottes, GLWyandotte, Lt Brahma, EE's
**St Roo's~ Black Cochin, Blue Lace Red Wyandotte, Blue Orpington
** Banty Roo's ~ Silkies, Birchen Cochin, Salmon Faverolle, self blue D'Uccle
**Banty Hens~ Silkies (buff, blue, partridge, black,splash) , Salmon Faverolle, Black and Blue Cochin, Silver Laced Cochin, Partridge Cochin X, Millie Game hen & self blue D'Uccles
You may get purebred or mixed eggs as my flock is not separated at this time. Cost is $20.00 which includes shipping priority mail.
Please PM me if interested and for paypal info.
some of my chicks hatched in January ::